Mostly, tomorrow is the day of the App Store. After a year of downloading apps outside of jail, I will be able to download apps within jail. Those that like to stay in jail (the majority, I would assume) will be finally able to enjoy iFartz (assuming Apple will ever allow it on the App Store, since they are manually reviewing every single application).
I can't talk about the App Store because I am under NDA with Apple, but I found this sneak preview that lists a few applications. Oh, I know one of those ;-)
There's been a lot of speculation about whether the iPhone App Store would open today or tomorrow. Turns out you can see its contents right now. Here's how. First, use Software Update on your Mac to install the iTunes 7.7 update. Then open up iTunes and search for any app you know about - "OmniFocus" works fine. Click on the application's icon, and you'll go to the OmniFocus page. The breadcrumb navigation at the top of the page (Apple > App Store > Productivity > OmniFocus) will let you navigate back up to the main store page, and from there you can explore to your heart's content.
A quick scan shows a number of apps of potential web worker interest ready to ship: OmniFocus, Things, EverNote,. Funambol, Photobucket, SalesForce Mobile, TypePad, PayPal, and more. Of course, you'll have to wait for the iPhone 2.0 software update to actually install any of these applications.
See you tomorrow in line at the University Ave store in Palo Alto...