But Funambol's efforts so far are impressive, and the availability of its free PIM synchronization server is a big win, particularly given how locked-down and vendor-controlled the mobile device market is today.We are upgrading the Funambol Portal this weekend to v3 and we have great ideas for the next version in January. We are trying to make the Portal another good example on how a commercial open source company can return some of its revenues to the community. For us, it will be a free PIM and push email portal, for starters. A great service for the community, another QA, development and innovation tool for Funambol. I like win-win...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
NewsForge: "open source software makes business sense"
Nice article today by Nathan Willis on NewsForge on Funambol and our tight-rope walk. In particular, I like the closing statement: