Monday, May 05, 2008

JavaOne tomorrow: talk not to be missed

Tomorrow, our JavaME Tech Lead Edo Schepis will give a talk at JavaOne, which I believe it is going to be very interesting.

The title is "Funambol Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME Platform) Technology-Based Open-Source Messaging Client: Lessons Learned". It is part of the Technical Session and it is scheduled for Tuesday May 06 10:50 - 11:50 at Moscone Center - Esplanade 303 (Session ID TS-4992 for those picky).

The abstract is:
Three billion people own a mobile phone, yet only a small fraction use it for mobile email--why?

Until recently mobile email required high-end devices, costly service, and complex setup. But that is changing. Global mobile email usage is expected to grow 24 percent annually over the next four years, with explosive growth projected post-2008 due to rapid consumer email adoption. An open-source, standards-based, consumer push email solution is not just a benefit to developers. It also provides mobile operators, service providers, and online portals with broad device compatibility, low cost, ease of use, and the flexibility required to tap into the mass market.

This session guides attendees through the main lessons learned in developing the open-source Java™ Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME platform) technology-based messaging client based on Funambol synchronization software.

The session presents the following:
• Design and code samples of the Funambol Java ME technology-based SDK for synchronization
• Push technologies used for messaging and PIM notifications through SMS and TCP/IP channels
• Main issues discovered in Java ME technology-based implementations and workarounds to fix them
• Design and code samples of the Funambol Java ME technology-based messaging client
• How open source is contributing during the development and testing phases, solving the device fragmentation nightmare common in development on the Java ME platform
• How to handle carriers’/manufacturers’ security restrictions, using trusted applications such as the Java Verified Program and the certification process

The presentation places particular emphasis on the design choices used to blend object-oriented principles and developer community needs with the best user experience and performance.

At the end of the session, through code samples and lesson learned, the attendees will have a good understanding of
• How to build synchronization clients for Java ME technology-based devices, starting from the Funambol Java ME technology-based SDK
• What developers should know about building Java ME technology-based open-source messaging applications for the mass market
See you there!